• Dhaka Sat, 27 JULY 2024,

Heatwave: Schools, Madrasas are opening today, educational institutions of 25 dists remain closed

Rtv news

  04 May 2024, 09:41
Photo: Collected

Schools and Madrasas have been open today (May 4(). Besides, secondary schools, colleges, madrasas and technical educational institutions in 25 districts including Dhaka have been closed on Saturday (May 4) to ensure students' health safety for the ongoing heatwave.

According to the notice, the education institutions in all districts in Khulna and Rajshahi divisions, in Dhaka and Tangail district of Dhaka division, Chandpur district of Chattogram, Rangpur, Kurigram, Nilphamari, and Dinajpur district of Rangpur division have been closed today due to extreme heat.

The informatiom was informed in a press release signed by MA Khayer, Information and Public Relations officer of the Ministry of Education on Friday (May 3).

It has been said that this decision has been taken based on the forecast of the Meteorological Department as intense heat is still prevailing in different parts of the country.


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