• Dhaka Sat, 27 JULY 2024,
Baked not fried: 3 healthy and tasty monsoon recipes
Ancient Roman Mosaic found submerged in the sea off Naples
A mosaic from the floor of an ancient Roman villa has been uncovered on the seabed in the waters off Naples. Now underwater, the marble floor would originally have been located in the “protiro,” or decorated porch, of a residence overlooking the sea, according to a Facebook post from the Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park, which is part of the Italian Ministry of Culture, published Tuesday. Built in the ancient spa town of Baiae, which was popular during the late Roman Empire and home to residences owned by Julius Caesar and the Emperor Nero, the villa is part of an area of land that became submerged as the result of a geological phenomenon called bradyseism, during which the ground rises or, as in this case, falls due to pressure under the surface. Preliminary research shows that the floor is largely made of irregularly shaped pieces of reused marble, a technique that was common from the 3rd to the 5th century CE, according to the park. Underwater work continues to uncover and restore more of the floor, while some sections have been removed and cleaned on land. The aim is to try to reconstitute an entire section of the floor, according to the post. Local mayor Josi Gerardo Della Ragione called the find “stupendous” in a post on Facebook. The floor would have been laid toward the end of the Roman Empire, “shortly before bradyseism brought these wonders to the bottom of the sea,” he said. The area is now a popular diving spot, offering opportunities to see submerged ruins. Campi Flegrei, or the Phlegraean Fields – a large, volcanic area that stretches 200 kilometers (125 miles) under the bay of Naples and the islands of Capri and Ischia to the outskirts of the city of Naples – is a giant caldera, or depression. It is now the site of multiple volcanoes that have been active for 39,000 years, many of which lie underwater. The last major eruption of Campi Flegrei was in 1538, and it created a new mountain in the bay. Seismic activity in the area has been intensifying since December 2022, according to Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), and experts fear the volcano could be reawakening after generations at rest. Source: CNN
Newly-wed Radhika wears hand painted lehenga by artist Jayasri Burman
Opulence of pharaoh Ramses II unveiled at German exhibition
All Bollywood stars attended Anant-Radhika's wedding in dazzling ethnic looks
Anant Ambani wedding: India tycoon’s son marries after months of festivities
Food trends of 2024
As the culinary world continues its ever-evolving journey, staying ahead of food trends can be as exciting as it is delicious. The year 2024 is set to bring a smorgasbord of new flavours, health-focused ingredients, and climate-conscious eating habits that will not only tantalise our taste buds but also promote a greater good. From the viral dishes of TikTok to the mindful choices of sustainably sourced foods, there's a shift towards balance; a fusion of indulgence with wellness, and convenience with consciousness.  Let's explore the Food trends in 2024 that are poised to redefine our eating experiences: TikTok Food Trends in 2024  Cottage Cheese The humble cottage cheese is making an impressive comeback as TikTok creators champion its versatility.  No longer just a diet food, it's being reimagined in everything from hearty breakfast bowls to decadent desserts.  Rich in protein and adaptable to savoury and sweet dishes alike, it's the perfect canvas for a range of ingredients.  Trending are 'cottage cheese pancakes' and 'whipped cottage cheese dips', which are not only nutritious but also incredibly Instagram-worthy. As a food that supports muscle maintenance and satiety, cottage cheese is finding its way back into the hearts and fridges of foodies everywhere. Greens Drinks & Powders Greens drinks and powders are stealing the show as the MVPs of quick nutrition.  Their appeal lies in the blend of numerous vegetables and fruits, offering a concentrated dose of vitamins and minerals with minimal effort.  For those short on time, these powerhouse drinks act as a nutrient infusion, perfect for a post-workout boost or a midday pick-me-up.  The increased interest in gut health and immune support is only bolstering their popularity. With a range of options from spirulina to wheatgrass, these greens drinks and powders are making wellness accessible to everyone. Coffee and Greens Imagine starting your day with a blend of two powerhouses: coffee and greens.  This trend caters to those who refuse to choose between their morning jolt of caffeine and the nutritional benefits of greens.  Cafes and homebrew enthusiasts alike are crafting concoctions that combine the rich, bold flavours of coffee with the nutrient-rich profiles of greens powders.  This synergy not just maximises energy but also introduces an easy health boost. As people continue to search for ways to optimise their health without sacrificing their pleasures, coffee infused with greens is set to become a staple. French Yogurt Cake The French Yogurt Cake, with its delightful simplicity, underscores the growing trend of home baking that emphasises both ease and authenticity.  Known for its moist texture and adaptability, it's a recipe that invites experimentation with various fruits, flavours, and flours.  The cake's rustic charm is enhanced by its "use-the-container" measurement technique, which adds to its charm and approachability. Whether it's adding lemon zest for a tang or a dollop of jam for sweetness, this cake encourages personal touches, making it a favourite for both novice bakers and seasoned pros. Lifestyle Food Trends in 2024 Climate-Conscious Foods & Sustainability In 2024, climate-conscious foods are not just a trend; they're a growing movement.  As awareness of our food's environmental impact increases, consumers are demanding more sustainable options.  This trend sees a surge in plant-based diets, locally sourced produce, and minimal-waste cooking. Eateries and brands are responding by highlighting their carbon footprint or using upcycled ingredients. It's now more common to find menus and products that boast eco-friendly credentials, from regenerative agriculture to zero-plastic packaging, highlighting the shared responsibility we hold towards our planet. Girl Dinner You might have seen "Girl Dinner" doing the rounds on TikTok. It's a trend that's all about simplicity and satisfaction when it comes to your evening meal. Forget the traditional entrées and instead, think of a snack board that's just to your liking. A slice of crusty bread, some cheese, a bit of fruit, and a handful of pickles is what you'll typically find on a "Girl Dinner" plate. But here's the kicker: it's entirely what you make of it. Whether it's reaching for those comforting snacks you love, diving into some leftovers for a no-fuss twist, or just assembling a plate of whatever you're in the mood for – that's the essence of a "Girl Dinner." It's a personal feast that's easy to put together and perfect for those nights when you're dining solo or with friends but still want to keep things casual and enjoyable. Island Flavours 2024 is the year of tropical escapism at the dining table. Island flavours, with their exotic and bold profiles, are taking centre stage. Ingredients like jackfruit, coconut, and an array of spicy chillies provide a culinary getaway to island life. This trend is not just about the food but also about the experience, aiming to capture the laid-back and joyful spirit of the islands. Meals are becoming more colourful and vibrant, with a zest that's reminiscent of a beachside feast. Greens Greens continue to enjoy their spot in the limelight as a staple for health-conscious individuals. This trend goes beyond the humble salad; it's about incorporating a variety of greens into every meal.  Kale, spinach, and chard are now joined by microgreens and sea vegetables, offering depth to the category.  Creative recipes that make greens the star of the dish are trending, such as green smoothie bowls, kale pesto, or collard green wraps, demonstrating that greens can be both versatile and delicious. Pasture-Raised Meat and Eggs The conscientious carnivore is on the rise, which is why pasture-raised meats and eggs are carving out a significant place in the market.  This method of farming allows animals to roam freely, resulting in better nutrition and flavour.  It aligns with a more ethical approach to consumption, as it ensures a higher standard of animal welfare.  Consumers are ready to invest in these products as part of a healthier and more responsible lifestyle choice, knowing that what they consume directly impacts not only their health but also the well-being of animals. Ingredient Food Trends 2024 Spirulina This blue-green algae is experiencing its well-deserved moment in the superfood spotlight. Spirulina is being embraced in 2024 for its impressive nutritional profile which includes proteins, vitamins, and minerals while being low in calories.  It's a favourite amongst vegans and health enthusiasts for its plant-based iron and B12 content.  Spirulina is cropping up in everything from smoothies and energy bars to savoury snacks, bringing a vibrant hue that's as visually appealing as it is beneficial for health. Its sustainability as a crop that requires minimal water and land adds to its rising popularity as an eco-friendly nutrient source. Ginger Ginger, the ancient root with a zesty kick, continues to be celebrated for its medicinal properties as well as its culinary versatility.  Recognised for aiding digestion and reducing inflammation, ginger is being incorporated into daily diets in creative ways. You'll find it lending its warm, spicy notes to everything from morning juices and wellness shots to marinades and desserts.  As a natural remedy for common ailments and a beloved flavour enhancer, ginger remains a cornerstone in culinary trends, beloved for both its health benefits and its comforting, familiar taste. Turmeric Turmeric, the golden spice known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, is taking the food and wellness industry by storm.  As people become more proactive about their health, turmeric is being used not just in curries but in lattes, soups, and even breakfast cereals.  Its active compound, curcumin, is credited with numerous health benefits, making turmeric a go-to ingredient for those looking to boost their immune system or support joint health.  Its vibrant colour and earthy flavour make adding a dose of turmeric to meals both a visual and sensory pleasure. Yuzu Fruit Yuzu, a fragrant citrus fruit from East Asia, is capturing the hearts of culinary enthusiasts with its unique and tantalising flavour profile.  This tart and aromatic ingredient is being used to add a refreshing twist to sauces, cocktails, and desserts. Its popularity extends beyond its taste; yuzu is also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.  With its bright and bold flavour, yuzu adds an exotic touch to dishes and has become a symbol of culinary innovation and fusion cuisine. Antioxidants Antioxidants have become a buzzword for good reason, and their prevalence in diets is only growing.  These powerful compounds, found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, are crucial for fighting oxidative stress and promoting overall health. Foods rich in antioxidants like berries, nuts, and dark chocolate are being highlighted for their anti-aging and disease-preventing potential.  As consumers become more educated on the benefits of antioxidants, they are increasingly sought after in ingredient lists for their ability to nourish the body and combat environmental stressors. Beverage Trends 2024 Green Tea Green tea is blossoming in popularity for its delicate flavour and well-documented health benefits. As a beverage, it's revered for its high antioxidant content and its potential to enhance mental clarity and metabolic rate. In 2024, green tea is being reinvented in various forms – from cold brews and lattes to green tea-infused beverages, expanding its reach beyond traditional hot brews. Its versatility is also celebrated in cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages, offering a touch of sophistication and a health-conscious twist to refreshment. Asian Flavours Asian flavours are taking the beverage industry by storm, with an array of traditional and innovative drinks that intrigue the palate. Ingredients like matcha, yuzu, and lemongrass are being blended into teas, coffees, and cocktails, providing a deliciously distinct taste.  These flavours not only offer a cultural experience but are also frequently associated with health benefits, appealing to consumers who wish to explore diverse taste profiles while maintaining a focus on wellness. Detox Drinks Detox drinks are more than just a fad; they're a reflection of the growing desire for beverages that support a healthy lifestyle.  These drinks often include ingredients like cucumber, lemon, mint, and ginger, known for their cleansing properties. 2024 sees a surge in detox drink options that claim to aid in digestion, boost immunity, and support liver function. They're the perfect accompaniment to a balanced diet, and their appeal lies in the promise of purifying the body while providing hydration. Hydration Hacks Innovative hydration hacks are revolutionizing the way we drink water.  This trend sees the infusion of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes into water to enhance its hydrating power.  Flavoured hydration sachets, water with added collagen, and alkaline water varieties are just a few examples of how hydration is being taken to the next level.  These hacks not only cater to the health-conscious consumer but also make staying hydrated a more enjoyable and beneficial experience. Supplement Trends in 2024 Aloe Vera Aloe vera is well-known for its soothing properties in skincare, but as a supplement trend in 2024, it's making waves for its internal benefits.  Packed with vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids, aloe vera supplements are sought after for digestive health and immune support.  They're available in various forms, such as capsules, juices, and powders, catering to different preferences and lifestyles. As people become more attentive to gut health and natural remedies, aloe vera's popularity as a gentle, nourishing supplement continues to grow. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha, an adaptogen with ancient roots in Ayurvedic medicine, is increasingly embraced for its ability to help the body manage stress.  This powerful herb is linked to numerous health benefits, including improved mental clarity, energy levels, and overall vitality. As modern life becomes busier and more stressful, ashwagandha supplements in the form of capsules, powders, and teas are becoming essential for those looking to maintain balance and well-being. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve tissue health, brain function, and the production of red blood cells.  Notably important for vegetarians and vegans who may not get enough from their diet, B12 supplements in 2024 come in various forms, including traditional tablets, sublingual melts, and fortified foods.  With a growing awareness of dietary needs and the importance of this essential vitamin, B12 supplements are a key trend for supporting a healthy lifestyle. Vitamin D As the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D continues to be essential, especially with increased indoor lifestyles and in regions with less sun exposure.  Recognised for its role in bone health and immune function, Vitamin D supplements are recommended to help maintain optimum levels throughout the year. Available as drops, tablets, and even in spray forms, Vitamin D supplementation is a simple but effective way to support health, particularly during the darker months. Pre & Probiotics The dynamic duo of prebiotics and probiotics is leading the charge in the supplement world for a thriving gut microbiome.  As research underscores the importance of gut health for overall well-being, including mental health, supplements that combine both prebiotics (to feed beneficial bacteria) and probiotics (to add more of these beneficial bacteria) are becoming increasingly popular.  These supplements support a balanced digestive system and are often credited with promoting better skin health, improved digestion, and even a stronger immune response.
When is the Ambani wedding? And why have they been celebrating for 7 months?
For better or for worse, days-long wedding events have become common in cultures around the world. Between Friday night cocktail receptions and sore-headed Sunday brunches, what might once have been a half-day affair can now easily envelop three or four days. But a wedding that spans seven months is an outlier even in the extravagant world of big Indian weddings. On Friday, Anant Ambani the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, the head of India’s largest private sector corporation, with an estimated net worth of over $122 billion, according to Forbes and pharmaceutical heiress Radhika Merchant will finally be married. The couple have been celebrating their betrothal since January, averaging an event every six weeks. From a star-studded engagement party to performances by the likes of Rihanna and Justin Bieber, no expense has been spared. If you’ve lost track of where the Ambanis are at with their nuptial celebrations, and what lavish bashes have already taken place, read on for a full timeline of what’s expected to be the wedding of the year. December: The engagement On December 29, Anant Ambani kept things low-key as he proposed to Radhika Merchant at a temple in the northern Rajasthan state surrounded by family and close friends. January: The engagement party Merchant took part in a traditional 'mehndi' ceremony on January 18, when her hands and feet were decorated with henna. The following day the pair threw their 'Gol Dhana' engagement party, drawing in some of the biggest names in Bollywood. Actors Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were among the famous faces in attendance. March: Pre-wedding party Don’t be fooled by the name, this get-together preceded the Ambani’s actual wedding by over four months. Staged in the city of Jamnagar, in the western state of Gujarat, the event (which had a guest list of 1,200 people) featured choreographed Bollywood-style dancing, fireworks and a feast of 500 dishes cooked by around 100 chefs. The evening even saw Rihanna perform for only the second time in six years. The event was a who’s who of the rich and powerful. Tech billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates were there, each dressed in traditional embellished Kashmiri coats while Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner arrived with their daughter. Ahead of the party, the Ambani family also hosted a communal dinner for more than 50,000 villagers outside Jamnagar. May: The European cruise party The Ambanis set off on a four-day European cruise aboard a luxury chartered ship, beginning in the Sicilian city of Palermo and ending in Rome. Despite a strict no-phones policy, leaked social media videos showed on-deck concerts from the Backstreet Boys, Pitbull and David Guetta. There were a few stops on the way, too: A masquerade ball at the Chateau de la Croix des Gardes mansion in Cannes featured a performance by Katy Perry, while an evening event in Portofino on the Italian Riviera saw the main square cordoned off to the public, before Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli performed for guests. July 2-5: Mass wedding and musical night On July 2, the couple staged a mass wedding, also known as 'Samuh Vivah,' in the town of Palghar, around 70 miles from Mumbai. More than 50 underprivileged couples were invited to receive gifts, ranging from gold ornaments to a year’s worth of groceries. A few days later, at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center (a Mumbai arts venue founded by Anant's mother, Nita), the Ambanis hosted a traditional night of music and dance, known as the 'sangeet,' which featured a live performance from Justin Bieber. July 8: The Haldi On Monday, the couple took part in a 'haldi' ceremony, a pre-wedding ritual that traditionally sees friends and family bless the marrying couple by applying a turmeric paste to their heads, faces or bodies. The pair appear to have kept the event private, though photographs later shared online showed the couple wearing suitably complementary gold and yellow outfits a bejeweled Merchant in a custom ensemble by celebrated Indian designer Anamika Khanna and the groom in a kurta and jacket by Sandeep Khosla. Friday: Main ceremony The wedding proper is set to commence on Friday at the 16,000 capacity Jio World Convention Center, complete with a red carpet to showcase A-list attendees clad in per the dress code classical Indian attire. The internet is awash with rumors of the performer lineup, from Adele and Drake to Lana Del Rey, but one thing is certain: There will be no expense spared. Saturday: Divine blessings ceremony The day after the nuptials will see one of the last stages of the Hindu wedding schedule: the 'Shubh Ashirwad,' or divine blessings ceremony. Here, the couple seeks 'Ashirwad,' or blessings, from the elders in their community and are usually showered with rose petals or rice when walking down the aisle again. Sunday: The reception The mammoth festivities conclude on Sunday with one final celebration of the couple: the 'Mangal Utsav,' or reception. Guests have been to dress in 'Indian chic.' Saturday and Sunday's events are expected to take place at the Ambani family's 27-story residence, Antilia.   Source: CNN
Amazing dishes you must cook in Monsoon
Greenery, cheerful animals & birds, and beautiful weather around – yes, Monsoon season is back. The gentle raindrops and earthy petrichor are a treat to the senses. To add a cherry on the top, some hot and delicious food is all you need on a drizzling day! Undoubtedly, Monsoon is one of the most amazing seasons in Bangladesh. And while food delivery apps might not deliver your food due to heavy rains, cooking your food cravings is a great activity for rainy days. Moreover, cooking that food together with your loved ones and enjoying a break from your routine is a great idea to spend a rainy day. Suggesting a few ideas for the dishes you can cook as further: Rainy day calls for a 'Masala tea' On a rainy day, a cup of hot masala cutting tea is the first idea which pops up in everyone’s heart, isn’t it? So, why not make this first idea come true in your kitchen? Moreover, it is so easy to make. Just need to add some milk, water, sugar, and tea powder and masala like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves etc in a vessel and heat it for a while. Once the sugar dissolves and everything mix well, take it off the flame and enjoy a cup of hot masala cutting tea. Momo– A healthy fit If you want to enjoy delicious food in these rains but yet want to stick to healthy options, then here’s some Steamed momos are not only healthy for a quick bite but also utterly delicious. Being hot and served with spicy garlic chutney, Momos are also a great snack for any rainy day. To make momos, prepare a basic filling by using garlic, ginger, chilli, black pepper, salt, and your choice of vegetables. Fill it in the small balls of dough prepared by using maida. Steam the filling for a while and have it along with spicy garlic chutney. Some fried Pakoras Rains often bring cold weather with them which demand something hot and fried to eat. So, how about some hot, fried pakoras served with green chilli chutney and tomato ketchup along with cups of hot tea? It is a great combination to enjoy a rainy day with your loved ones. For pakoras, you don’t need to stick with a single vegetable. You can use whichever vegetable you want to use or the ones which are available at that point. Just add those vegetables to a gram-flour batter made with water. Add a few tablespoons of red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, and chaat masala powder. Mix well and fry it in hot oil. Serve it with freshly-made green chilli chutney and tomato ketchup. Something as tempting as a 'Samosa' The coriander powder present in Samosa often manages to create a temptation in the heart of people. On a rainy day, this temptation only gets doubles. The only difference here is that coriander powder does not create a temptation here but the rains do. So, make this tempting Samosa and enjoy your break! To make a Samosa, prepare a potato mixture by mixing boiled potatoes, peas, ginger, coriander powder, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, and coriander leaves. To make it spicy, you can also add a few finely chopped green chillies. Meanwhile, use all-purpose flour to knead soft dough. Make small balls from it and flatten them to give a round shape with the help of a rolling pin. Further, add the potato mixture in it, cover in the shape of a triangle and fry in hot oil. Serve your samosa with green chilli chutney and tamarind chutney. Simple, quick, and tasty - Instant noodles A saviour of your hunger pangs – Instant noodles are an all-time favourite dish! In fact, enjoying a bowl of hot Maggi when it is drizzling heavily is sheer bliss to enjoy. Sharing it with your loved ones is fun as well! Moreover, making instant noodles is extremely easy and quick! So, how about cooking some instant noodles? You just have to boil some instant noodles in a pot of water. Add a bit of tastemaker or the spices you prefer to it. Cook it for a few minutes and serve. Health is wealth with a hot Soup While monsoon season is one of the most beautiful seasons, it also brings many health-related diseases like cold, flu, fever, etc. Thus, it is advisable that you must take care of your health this season and consume healthy food in your diet. And who says that indulging in healthy food means that you should compromise on taste? Soups are a great way to keep up your health while enjoying the good taste as well. There are many varieties of soups and their recipes are easily available on the internet. You have to choose one based on the type of vegetable or taste you prefer. To make the soup healthier, you can even add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Doing so will also give a beautiful colour to your soup. The rainy season, be as amazing as a Vegetable Biryani Imagine this. You are at home and it is raining heavily, outside. The environment is dark, lightning strikes are quite bold and the air is pretty cold. Even the lights are gone. But your food craving is still high. In such a situation, you and your loved ones cook a delicious Biryani together. Won’t it be wonderful? And trust us when we say that preparing a perfect Biryani is an easy task. You just need to use a well-balanced Biryani masala and your Biryani will turn out be a hit. A perfect dish for a cold rainy day! Not to forget, its heavenly aroma is worth the effort. All-time favourite - Alu Chaat Enough of all the good about rainy days With nothing to do, those days can turn boring as well. But remember, life is a short ride and hence, you must embrace every bit of it. Haha, don’t worry. We don’t aim to diminish your spirits. Instead, we have come up with a solution for it which is an Aloo tikka chaat. Brings a rush of joy, doesn’t it? A dish is full of spicy and tangy flavours of chat masala powder, red chilli powder, tamarind, green chilli and to balance these flavours Potato is added. So, just mash some boiled potato and add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, chaat masala powder, amchur powder, garam masala powder, ginger-garlic paste, corn-flour, and salt. Mix well. Make small patties and shallow-fry it. Top those patties with curd, green chilli chutney, tamarind chutney, red chilli powder, cumin powder, salt, and some sev. You can also add chopped onions, tomato, a pinch of chat masala powder, and coriander leaves. So, In this monsoon, eat healthily and stay healthy. While making these recipes, use good quality vegetables and good quality packaged spices. Source: VM
Traditional Chinese garment makes stylish comeback
Mamianqun becomes trendy among younger generations as modern iterations reflect self-expression, Wang Xin reports. The mamianqun, translated as the "horse-face skirt", is a type of traditional clothing that is making a comeback as the latest fashion trend, gaining increasing popularity among younger Chinese generations, according to those in the know. The curators of an ongoing exhibition, Splendid Mamianqun, at the Shanghai Textiles Museum, made the above observation, due to the emerging trend of young people's growing sense of cultural pride. Mamianqun is a type of hanfu that features a high, flat front and pleated sides. It originated in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and maintained its popularity during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). Launched on May 18, the two-month exhibition showcases dozens of mamianqun, including over 40 pieces from the ancient dynasties and 12 modified skirts with innovative designs. The exhibition has attracted a large number of visitors, many of which came dressed in mamianqun — both males and females, says Jia Yiliang, curator of the Shanghai Textiles Museum and a curator of the exhibition. "There is an old saying — 'You are what you wear'. Mamianqun embodies the aesthetic, philosophy and wisdom of ancient Chinese dressmakers, reflecting the status, thoughts and experiences of the people wearing them," Jia says. "Mamianqun, as a type of clothing, is also a language of self-expression and is close to our daily lives. You can either admire them from a professional perspective for the craftsmanship, technique and philosophy, or simply from a personal view and preference." Despite the long history of mamianqun, it was not until recent years that this traditional garment drew extensive focus, gaining international attention on the ancient Chinese skirt. Ma Wenjuan, one of the curators of the exhibition and deputy director of the Journal Center at Donghua University, was among the first to introduce in details the skirt to more people in 2022. Source: CD  
All about Russell's Viper
Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) is a venomous snake found in Asia. The species is named for Patrick Russell, a Scottish herpetologist who first described many of India's snakes. In Bengali, this snake is called Chandrobora since it carries lenticular or more precisely lunar marks all over its body. Apart from being a member of the big four snakes in India, Russell's viper is also responsible for causing the most snakebite incidents and deaths among all venomous snakes. Appearance These snakes are deep yellow, tan, or brown in color, with three series of dark brown spots that run the length of the body. Each of these spots has a black ring around it, the outer border of which is intensified with a rim of white or yellow. The head has a pair of distinct dark patches, one on each temple, together with a pinkish, salmon, or brownish V or X marking that forms an apex towards the snout. Behind the eye is a dark streak, outlined in white, pink, or buff. The venter is white, whitish, yellowish, or pinkish, often with an irregular scattering of dark spots. Distribution Geography Continents: Asia Sub-Continents: East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia Countries: India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, China, Taiwan,  WWF Biomes: Tropical dry forest, Tropical moist forests Russell's vipers are found in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, Tibet, China (Guangxi, Guangdong), Taiwan, and Indonesia (Endeh, Flores, east Java, Komodo, and Lomblen Islands). These snakes are not restricted to any particular habitat but do tend to avoid dense forests. They are mostly found in open, grassy, or bushy areas, but may also be found in second-growth forests (scrub jungles), on forested plantations, and on farmland. Russell's vipers are most common in plains, coastal lowlands, and hills of suitable habitat. Humid environments, such as marshes, swamps, and rainforests, are avoided. They are also often found in highly urbanized areas and settlements in the countryside because of the abundance of rodents. Habits and Lifestyle Russell's vipers are solitary terrestrial creatures. They are primarily nocturnal foragers. However, during cool weather, they become more active during the day. These snakes like to bask in the sun during the day. The rest time is spent hiding in the caves, in cracks in the soil, or under the leaf litter. Adults move slowly and sluggishly unless they are threatened; after that, they can become very aggressive. Juveniles are generally more nervous in nature. When threatened, Russell's vipers form a series of S-loops, raise the first third of the body, and produce a hiss that is supposedly louder than that of any other snake. When striking from this position, they can exert so much force that even a large individual can lift most of their body off the ground in the process. These snakes are strong and may react violently to being picked up. The bite may be a snap, or they may hang on for many seconds. Group name: den, nest, pit, bed, knot Lifestyle: Terrestrial, Precocial, Ovoviviparous, Predator Seasonal behavior: Not a migrant Venom Venom of this species is delivered by means of solenoglyphous dentition. The quantity of venom produced by individual specimens is considerable. Venom yields for adult specimens have been reported as 130-250 mg, 150-250 mg, and 21-268 mg. For 13 juveniles with an average total length of 79 cm (31 in), the venom yield ranged from 8 to 79 mg (mean 45 mg). For most humans, a lethal dose is about 40-70 mg, well within the amount that can be delivered in one bite. In general, the toxicity depends on a combination of five different venom fractions, each of which is less toxic when tested separately. Venom toxicity and bite symptoms in humans vary within different populations and over time. Diet and Nutrition Russell's vipers are carnivores. They feed primarily on rodents but will also eat small reptiles, land crabs, scorpions, and other arthropods. Juveniles hunt lizards. As they grow and become adults, they begin to specialize in rodents. Mating Habits Russell's vipers are ovoviviparous which means that females give birth to live young. Mating usually occurs early in the year, although pregnant females may be found at any time. The gestation period lasts more than 6 months. Snakelets are produced from May to November, but mostly in June and July. Litters consist of 20-40 young, although fewer offspring may also occur. At birth, snakelets are 215-260 mm (8.5-10.2 in) in total length. They are independent at birth and reach reproductive maturity at around 2-3 years of age. Population threats The main threats to Russell's vipers include illegal collection and trade for food and skins. They are also often killed because of fear. Population number Presently, Russell's viper is not included in the IUCN Red List and its conservation status has not been evaluated. Ecological niche Russell's vipers are often found in settlements in the countryside attracted by rodents, thus playing a useful role in controlling their populations. Bites of Russell's Viper Dry bites or bites where only a very small amount of venom is injected may cause slight bleeding, pain, and swelling at the bite injury. If a moderate amount of venom was injected, you are more likely to have severe pain, swelling of the whole limb, and general ill feelings, such as nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Precautions to Avoid Bites Protective gear: Wearing rubber boots and gloves while out in snake habitats could prove useful. Flashlight: Rechargeable torches could help you see better during night time. Avoid dark corners: Snakes seek out shady or dark places where they can rest and cool down.  Know your snake prone area: Find out more about your local snake species and about the habitats they prefer. Do not disturb a snake: Snakes do not bother anyone if left alone. Do not imitate TV shows: Handling snakes takes immense practice and skill, which is not always portrayed on television. Do's and don'ts after bites Do's: Apply a bandage on the bite site covering the bite and the area around it as early as possible. The bandage should not be tight. Avoid unnecessary and sharp movements. Place a splint while bandaging, to avoid joint movements. Walking or running is not advisable. In case of a bite on the hand, bandage the arm and put in a sling from the shoulder. Don'ts Panicking during such times would make matters worse. Do not make any cut, scratch or incision, leave the bite alone. Do not suck the wound, it is a myth and medically not advisable. Do not apply an ice pack to the bitten area. Do not use a tight bandage or tourniquet. Alcohol, herbal medicine or aspirin are not medically-proven antidotes. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Sub-Order: Serpentes Family: Viperidae Genus: Daboia Species: Daboia russelii Population size: Unknown Life span: 15 years Length: 120-166 cm/inch Source: Animalia Bio
New study says how to eat to live longer
A person can reduce the risk of an early death for any reason by nearly 20%, just by eating more foods from their choice of four healthy eating patterns, according to a new study. People who more carefully followed any of the healthy eating patterns — which all share a focus on consuming more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes — were also less likely to die from cancer, cardiovascular illness, and respiratory and neurodegenerative disease. The results of the study, published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, show 'there is more than one way to eat well and derive the attendant health benefits,' said Dr David Katz, a lifestyle medicine specialist who was not involved in the study. People often get bored with one way of eating, study coauthor Dr Frank Hu said, 'so this is good news. It means that we have a lot of flexibility in terms of creating our own healthy dietary patterns that can be tailored to individual food preferences, health conditions and cultures.' 'For example, if you are eating healthy, Mediterranean, and after a few months you want to try something different, you can switch to a DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet or you can switch to a semi-vegetarian diet,' said Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology and chair of the department of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 'Or you can follow US dietary guidelines and create your own healthy eating plate.' A long-term study The study followed the eating habits of 75,000 women participating in the Nurses' Health Study and more than 44,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study over 36 years. None of the men and women had cardiovascular disease at the start of the study, and few were smokers. All filled out eating questionnaires every four years. 'This is one of the largest and longest-running cohort studies to examine recommended dietary patterns and the long-term risk of premature deaths and deaths from major diseases,' Hu said. Hu and his team scored participants on how closely they followed four healthy eating styles that are in sync with current US dietary guidelines. One is the Mediterranean diet, which stresses eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, fish and a high amount of olive oil, Hu said. 'This dietary pattern emphasizes healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fat, in addition to plant-based foods and moderate alcohol,' he said. The next is called the healthful plant-based diet, which also focuses on eating more plant products but gives negative points for all animal products and any alcohol. 'It even discourages relatively healthy options, like fish or some dairy products,' Hu said, adding that the eating plan frowns on unhealthy plant-based foods such as potato products. 'So you can imagine that vegetarians are probably on the higher end of this diet score,' he said, 'and people who eat a lot of animal products or highly processed carbohydrate foods would be at the lower end of this score.' The Healthy Eating Index tracks whether people follow basic US nutritional guidelines, which stress healthy, plant-based foods, frown on red and processed meat, and discourage eating added sugar, unhealthy fats and alcohol, Hu said. The Alternate Healthy Eating Index was developed at Harvard, Hu said and uses the 'best available evidence' to include foods and nutrients most strongly associated with a lower risk of chronic disease. 'We explicitly included nuts, seeds, whole grains and lower consumption of red and processed meats and sugar-sweetened beverages,' he added. 'A moderate consumption of alcohol is allowed.' Findings by disease After each person's eating pattern was scored, the participants were divided into five groups, or quintiles, from highest to lowest adherence to one or more of the eating patterns. 'The highest quintile of diet quality as compared to the lowest was associated with a roughly 20% reduction in all-cause mortality,' said Katz, president and founder of the nonprofit True Health Initiative, a global coalition of experts dedicated to evidence-based lifestyle medicine. The study also found reductions in the risk of death from certain chronic diseases if people improved their diet over time, Hu said. Participants who improved the health of their diet by 25% could reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by a range of 6% to 13% and dying from cancer by 7% to 18%, he said. There was up to a 7% reduction in the risk of death by neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia. 'Respiratory disease mortality reduction was actually much greater, reducing risk by 35% to 46%,' Hu said. The study relied on participants' self-reports of food preferences and therefore only showed an association, not a direct cause and effect, between eating habits and health outcomes. Still, the fact that the study asked about diets every four years over such a long time frame added weight to the findings, Hu said. What is the takeaway of this large, long-term study? 'It's never too late to adopt healthy eating patterns, and the benefits of eating a healthy diet can be substantial in terms of reducing total premature deaths and different causes of premature death,' Hu said. 'People also have a lot of flexibility in terms of creating their own healthy dietary pattern. But the common principles — eating more-plant based foods and fewer servings of red meat, processed meats, added sugar and sodium — should be there, no matter what kind of diet that you want to create.' Source: CNN
Ways to celebrate a meaningful Father's Day
As the world prepares to celebrate Father's Day, it's a timely reminder to honour the significant role that fathers play in our lives. While the holiday has traditionally been seen as a time for children to show appreciation for their fathers, it's also an opportunity for adults to express gratitude for the men who have made a positive impact in their lives. Despite its importance, Father’s Day often receives less attention than Mother's Day. However, by celebrating fathers and father figures, we recognize the valuable contributions they make to our families and society. Here are some ways to celebrate Father's Day and strengthen family bonds: Cook something special and create some memories: Cooking is a great way to celebrate Father's Day, as it allows you to bond with your dad over a delicious meal. Not only is cooking a valuable life skill, but it also provides an opportunity to create lasting memories with your father. By spending the day cooking your favorite meal together, you’ll not only learn a new skill, but also enjoy quality time with your dad. So why not get cooking and make some unforgettable memories. Finish a puzzle together: Put together a lasting memory while spending time with your dad. Puzzles are the perfect gift for dads that love a good mind game. Not only are they fun, but your dad could even frame the finished product when you’re done. Buy him a puzzle featuring his favorite sports team or superhero, or order one custom-made with a picture of you and him together. Gift him something homemade: Make your dad a card or craft to say, 'I love you.' Gift him something that fits his personality or hobbies and speaks from your heart. Opt for writing a card filled with jokes if your dad is a fan of it. A thoughtful token: Show your father how much you care with a personalized gift that speaks to your appreciation for his love and support. Consider a heartfelt photo album or a beautifully engraved accessory that celebrates your special bond. In recent times, there are many discounted packages for celebrating fathers that you can take advantage of. If budget is a concern, opt for simpler yet meaningful gifts like a customized mug or notepad with heartfelt words of gratitude. Whatever the gift, put thought into it, and your father will treasure it forever. Get outside and make memories: Plan a fun outdoor activity with your father, such as a trip to a nearby garden or recreational center. This will not only create new memories but also strengthen your bond and provide a refreshing break from the usual routine. Whether it’s a walk in the park, or a visit to a local attraction, quality time spent outdoors can be a great way to celebrate Father’s Day and make the most of your time together.   Take a family vacation: Get the whole family together for an epic adventure. Is there someplace your dad’s always wanted to go? Something he’s always wanted to do? Treat him to it for Father’s Day. Go and visit another state or country, or have a staycation in a neighboring town with lots to do. Take a class together: Learn something new with your dad on Father’s Day. If your dad is one to pick up hobbies left and right, appease his curious mind by enrolling him in a one-day class. Maybe you learn to make pasta, mold clay, or paint together. Simply choose an activity or skill your dad would love. Give your dad a gift that keeps on giving with a Masterclass or Skillshare subscription. This way, he can learn at his own pace about whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Share in his interests: Spend quality time with your father doing things he loves, such as watching his favorite sports team or working on a project together. This will show your appreciation for his interests and hobbies, and strengthen your bond.   Watch a movie with him: Set up a movie night with all dad's favorite flicks. This Father's Day, surprise your dad with a cozy night watching all his top movies and eating his favorite snacks. Turn your living room into an at-home theater, go to the movie theaters, or create a theater in your backyard. Heritage excursion: Visit a historical sites together. This can create a shared sense of heritage and spark meaningful conversations. The most important thing is to show your father that you care and appreciate him. Celebrating Father’s Day provides a great opportunity to strengthen family bonds and create deep-rooted memories.