• Dhaka Sat, 27 JULY 2024,
Pilgrims gather for Hajj amid sweltering heat
Hajj visas can only be used to visit Mecca, Medina and Jeddah: Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has announced new restrictions on issuing Hajj visas. The visa will only allow travel to Jeddah, Madinah and Mecca. According to the Gulf News report, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia has clarified that pilgrims will only be allowed to perform the formalities of the Holy Hajj in 2024 on Hajj visas. Saudi Arabia has announced new restrictions on issuing Hajj visas. Where it is mentioned that the visa will only allow travel to Jeddah, Madinah and Mecca. According to the Gulf News report, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia has clarified that the visa will only allow pilgrims to perform the formalities of the Holy Hajj in 2024. The ministry said the visa would only allow travel between Jeddah, Madinah and the cities of Mecca. This visa will not be valid outside the three designated cities. This visa will not work for work or residence in the country. This visa will be valid only for the Hajj season. If the restrictions are violated, the person who violated the rules will be deported to his home country and may face a possible ban on participating in the Hajj in the future. 
Ramadan moon sighted in Bangladesh
Mahalaya today
Eid-e-Miladunnabi on Sept 28
Holy Hajj formalities begin
Holy Eid-ul-Azha tomorrow
The holy Eid-ul-Azha, the second biggest religious festival of the Muslims, will be celebrated across the country tomorrow with due solemnity and religious fervor. Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhajj month of the Hizri calendar as Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), on this day, some 4,500 years ago, offered to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (AS), who willingly submitted to the will of his father to please Allah. But the Almighty in His benign mercy spared Hazrat Ismail (AS) and instead sent a ram to be sacrificed. To commemorate this historic event, the Muslims across the country will offer prayers in congregations and sacrifice animals in the name of Almighty Allah. They will offer munajat seeking divine blessings for peace, progress and prosperity of the country as well as welfare of the Muslim Ummah. President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages, greeting the Muslims in Bangladesh and all over the world on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Azha. The main Eid congregation will be held at the National Eidgah near the High Court Bhaban in the capital at 8am, said Islamic Foundation (IF). Eid congregation will be held at the historic Sholakia ground in Kishoreganj this year in a break of 2 years due to Covid-19 pandemic. Kishoreganj Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Shamim Alam told BSS that Islamic scholar Mawlana Farid Uddin Masud will conduct the Eid jamaat at 9 am. A total of five Eid congregations will be held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque. The first Jamaat will be held at 7am to be conducted by Hafez Mufti Maulana M Mizanur Rahaman, senior pesh Imam of the mosque, said a press release of IF. Hafez Mufti Muhibullah Baki Nadvi will conduct the second Eid Jamaat at 8 am and the third one will be conducted Islamic Foundation's Mufassir Dr Mawlana Abu Saleh Patwari at 9 am.   Baitul Mukarram mosque Pesh Imam Maulana Mahiuddin Kashem will conduct the fourth Jamaat at 10am while the fifth Jamaat will be conducted by IF's Mufti Mawlana Mohammad Abdullah at 10.45am. Organizers said adequate water supply and security arrangements have already been made at the Baitul Mukaram National Mosque to facilitate the Eid-ul-Azha prayers. Eid Jamaat will be held at the South Plaza of the National Parliament at 8am while Chief Whip of Parliament, whips, cabinet members, lawmakers and Jatiya Sangsad Secretariat officials and employees and devotees will join the jamaat there. In the Dhaka University, two Eid Jamaats will be held at university central mosque - Masjidul Jamiya - at 8am and 9am. Senior Imam Dr Syed Muhammad Emdad Uddin will conduct the first Jamaat while second one will be conducted by senior imam Hafez Mawlana Najir Mahmud. Adequate security measures have been taken for peaceful and smooth celebration of the holy Eid-ul-Azha. The law enforcement agencies were also asked to ensure smooth movement of vehicles on highways, waterways and train routes. State-run Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar as well as other TV channels and radio stations would broadcast special programmes on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Azha. On the day, improved diets will be served to inmates of government hospitals, prisons, orphanages, safe homes and shelter centers. On July 7, the government issued a circular with eight instructions, including maintaining the health rules, during the prayers. The guidelines included no illuminating will be allowed on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Azha celebrations, everyone has to perform ablution at respective residences before going to Eidgah or mosque, soap or hand sanitizer must be kept at the place of having ablution (wadukhana) at mosque or Eidgah to prevent the coronavirus infection, a worshiper (musulli) must wear mask and should not use the prayer mat (Jainamaz) and cap earlier kept in mosques. While performing Eid prayers, they must maintain a gap maintaining the health rules and social distancing, Musullis will have to stand keeping one row gap in prayers, Khatibs, imams, mosque management committees and local administration have been requested to offer doa to the Almighty Allah after the holy Eid-ul-Azha prayers to save the country and its people from the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, Khatibs, imams and mosque management committees and local administrations have been requested to ensure the proper execution of these health guidelines, in the case of animal sacrifice (slaughtering the sacrificial animals), the instructions of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock have been asked to follow properly. The local administration, law enforcement agencies, people's representatives, officials and employees of the Islamic Foundation and the management committee of the concerned mosques have also been requested to execute the directives of the government. Source: BSS AH
Saudi Arabia expects a million pilgrims to make the hajj
Pilgrims began converging on the holy city of Mecca for the largest hajj since the COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus led organizers to severely curtail access to the site that is considered one of the five pillars of Islam.One million Muslims are visiting Mecca in Saudi Arabia for the first hajj since the coronavirus pandemic led authorities in the conservative nation to restrict access to the holiest site in Islam. Saudi authorities have permitted 850,000 visitors from abroad into the kingdom for the annual pilgrimage which starts on Wednesday, a major step towards normalcy following strict pandemic restrictions. The decision to do so comes after two years during which access to the site was limited to Saudi residents. The one million number of pilgrims from Saudi Arabia and abroad is still considerably fewer than the 2.5 million figure of those who traveled to the holy city in 2019. The hajj is considered one of the world’s largest events in terms of the number of participants. On Wednesday, those arriving carried umbrellas to block the 42 degrees Celsius (108 Fahrenheit) heat. What restrictions are in place on those making the hajj this year? In order to be eligible for the hajj this year, pilgrims must be under 65 years of age and vaccinated against the virus as well as have tested negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours of travel. A lottery system was implemented this year, with millions applying online. Pilgrims to the hajj will not be required to wear masks or adhere to social distancing guidelines as was the case in the last two years. Prohibitions on touching or kissing the Kaaba, the black stone at the center of the holy site in Mecca, will remain, though. During the hajj, Muslims encircle and pray around the large cubic structure draped in golden-embroidered black cloth, in a ritual known as the tawaf. What have Saudi officials done to prepare for the hajj? On Wednesday, officials in Saudi Arabia inspected the holy site and stressed the country’s readiness as well as its goal of maintaining public health. In 2020, at the start of the pandemic, the Saudi authorities permitted only 1,000 people who were already residents of the kingdom to make the hajj. Last year, authorities restricted the hajj to just 60,000 fully vaccinated Muslim residents of Saudi Arabia. The unprecedented curbs on attendance devastated some Muslims who had spent years saving for the chance to make the pilgrimage to the most significant site in their faith. Officials in Saudi Arabia currently report over 500 new coronavirus infections per day. Over 70% of Saudis have been vaccinated. The Saudi Health Ministry said 23 hospitals and 147 health centers were available in Mecca and Medina for visitors. Saudi Arabia now allows women to attend the hajj unaccompanied by a male relative, after dropping the requirement last year. What does the hajj look like in normal times? Saudi authorities are keen to see the hajj return to the pre-pandemic normal. Pilgrims bring billions of dollars in income to the Arab state, the second highest source of income for Saudi Arabia after oil. According to the Koran, every Muslim of faith who is physically and financially able should make the hajj at least once in their lifetime. Five intense days of prayer and ritual await religious pilgrims in Mecca. The hajj traces the pilgrimage taken by Prophet Muhammad some 1,400 years ago. His path, in turn, is believed to trace the footsteps of the prophets Ibrahim and Ismail, or Abraham and Ishmael as they are known to Christians and Jews.